
Re-usable components built with Radix Vue, and Tailwind CSS.


Sigma-ui is a collection of fully customizable components for Vue and Nuxt.

Its primary goal is to free developers from the burden of recreating the same components from scratch for every new project.

It's a collection of minimally designed, fully functioning, ready to use components and blocks, which you can directly copy into your project's component folder by running an npx command and then customize the components' code directly, instead of creating them from scratch yourself.

It's not a traditional UI components library, that you install into your project's node_modules via npm install and then customize components using props.


Created and maintained by Aleksey Hoffman.

Thank you to all the open-source projects and developers who have inspired and contributed to the foundation that led to the creation of this project:

Radix, shadcn, vueUse, zernonia, ahmedmayara, and others involved.


MIT © sigma-ui


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